1:Ever eaten grass before? Nah,

2:Have you ever drank water from a hose? Neva Eva Eva.

3: Have you ever licked a tree? Ew. Trees have ants

4: Have you ever found a dollar in the street, then went up to someone and say “I GOT YOUR DOLLAR SUCKA!” Uh, no

5: Have you ever pretended you were a cat? Nah.

6: Have you ever made a blanket/pillow fort? Tried once

7: Have you ever watched a show your younger cousin/sibling/whatever liked, and actually liked it?  I’ve actually watched Barney for fun. Same with blues clues


9: Have you ever imagined narwhals barfing glittery, pastel rainbows, skittles, and magical pink potatoes? IDEK what a narwhal looks like.

10: Did you just try imaginining narwhals barfing glittery, pastel rainbows, skittles, and magical pink potatoes? Yeah, but instead I saw a sea lion barfing glittery, pastel rainbows, skittles, and magical pink potatoes.

11: Have you ever ran around your house screaming “ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!”: Nooooooo

12: Have you ever pretended you were a llama before? Nope

13: Have you ever pretended dinosaurs were alive and in your backyard? Nada

14: Have you ever tried eating fish food? Nah

15: Have you ever tried eating cat food? I’m running out of ways to say no here.

16: Have you ever ran into a glass door before? WHY IN THE NAME OF VOLDERMORT WOULD I DO THAT.

17: Have you ever screamed a random word in public? NO

18: Have you ever flushed the toilet because you were bored? Our toilet doesn’t even flush

19: Have you ever slapped yourself because you were bored?: I think so. Not sure

20: Have you ever waved at people you don’t know? My mom said I used to do that all the time when I was a baby

21: Have you ever stared at your ceiling for over 15 minutes? No

22: Have you ever hugged a random person before? Yeah, but I thought I was related to them XD

23: Have you ever had a conversation with your stuffed animals before? No,

24: Have you ever sang karaoke off-key on purpose to people you don’t know? Never sang karaoke

25: Have you ever been addicted to listening to a theme song, or a song from a game before? No

26: Who do you tag next?:
Nina, Will-senpai, Cherry, Sidra, and Ri, anyone who wants to do it

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